updated 17 Dec 2024
West Lebanon and Hanover Greenway
THE VISION: A three mile path that brings the people of West Lebanon and Hanover together.
The WaHG trail satisfies a critical need identified in multiple local and regional plans. This key active transportation connection would allow people in West Lebanon and Hanover to make many ordinary trips without the use of a vehicle.
The completion of this path will allow safe access between West Lebanon and Hanover and help ‘close the loop' creating a network with the Mascoma River Greenway and Mt. Support Shared Use Path for walking and bicycling.
Beyond this critical need, the WaHG is poised to attract visitors and bring further value to the Upper Valley.

Paths Inspire...
The WaGH invites connection. It brings people in touch with communities, whether they want to meet friends, visit the library, shop at a store, go to practice, work, school or just explore. Providing safe paths for walking and bicycling increases health and equity, allowing those who can't or don't drive to reach their destinations.
30% of the population in most communities do not drive.
Economic Benefits
The WaHG creates a mobility network that will benefit local economies. People want to live and work in areas that support their desire for outdoor recreation and trips by bike or foot. Active transportation options attract businesses, raise property values, and increase local spending.
Bicyclists spend 24% more than drivers at local businesses.
Active Transportation Transforms America
The WaGH encourages mode shift by allowing people to reach destinations without a vehicle. Reducing vehicle travel reduces wear and spending on our roads, as well as cuts emissions, noise pollution, and microplastic pollution in our air and water from its single largest source, tire wear.
13% of commuters near shared-use paths commute use active modes of travel rather than driving.

Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce
Read more about the incredible benefits of shared use paths at Headwaters Economics.

Join the WaHG Community Group and help make the WaHG dream a reality.
We are dedicated to connecting our communities with a path that can be used by everyone, without relying on cars for mobility.
This is by no means an easy feat, but through collaboration we believe that we can facilitate a wonderful path designed for people.
We want to make a difference, and invite you to learn more about our ambitions and lend your support.

WaHG Community Group
WHAT WE ARE ABOUT: Connecting communities with non-car travel options, while improving the safety of people walking and bicycling. Foster commuter and recreational travel, while promoting healthy and active lifestyles.
HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO IT: Identify and construct an improved greenway from West Lebanon to Hanover.
WHY: There are no existing safe options for non-motorized travel between the densely populated areas along NH Route 10 of West Lebanon and Hanover.

Supporters &
*Financial Backers
Liam Abbate
Jason Achmoody
Lara Acker
Mathew Allen
Bonnie Arnold
Elizabeth Barry*
Yolanda Baumgartner
Charlotte Bernini
David Bibeau
Evan Bick
Julien Blanchet
Jay Boren*
Sherry Boschert*
Lou Bregou
Bill Brown
Ethan Call
Nancy Carter
Todd Caruso*
Jonathan Chaffee
Berkeley Chamberlain
Christina Chamberlain
Daniel Chamberlain*
Jennie Chamberlain*
Zoe Chamberlain
Kim Chewning
Todd Chewning
Chet Clem
Jonas Cole
Tim Cox*
Anthony Cressman*
Jon Criswell
Matthew Culbertson
Richel Cuyler
Joanna Davidson
Mike Davidson
Jim Damren
Henry Dionne
Jim Dorsey
David Dostal
Heather Drinan
Geoff Dunbar
​Rosemary Edzie
Chris Egner
Erik Endrulat
Joel Eshbaugh
Austin Feula
David Finnegan
Jordyn Taylor Fitch
Laura Gillespie
George Gohanna
Elli Goudzwaard
Martin Grant
Lauren Groves
Valerie Gutierrez
John Haffner
Amber Hanna
George Hanna
Scott Hausler
Cameron Henkel
Lynn Higgins
Jason Hill
Yasmin Hilliam
Daniel Himmelstein*
Joshua Himmelstein
Kevin Hoelscher
Charles Kearns
Sandy Kelsey
Nissanka Kiridena
An Le
Bruce Levine*
Chance Lindsley
Michael Liu
Connor Looney
Roger Lohr
Mark Lotterhand
Kate Lyon
Timothy Manganello
Justin Mankin
Nicolás Macri
Matthew Marotto
Amye Mason
Shawn Mason
Trenton Meckenstock
Chris Miller
John McCann
Lachlan McCann
Marlene McDonald
Michael McGillen*
Petra McGillen
Aaron McKenna
R Todd Minsk
Danny Moore
Bob Moses
Brian Moses
Alix Norris
Jesse Norris
Brendan Nyhan
Thomas Officer
Sarah Olson
Nate Osheyack
Rebecca Owens
Susan Pagan-Hilton
Sue Painter*
Pooja Panwar
Zach Parker
John Pepper
Juan Perez
Irina Perreard
Laurent Perreard
Laura Petto
Jason Pettus
Gabrielle Plaia
Caitlin Pries
Sarat Pudi
Kevin Purcell*
Shannon Purcell
Tracy Purcell
Carl Renshaw
Keith Richardson
Catherine Rieke
​Katherine Roach
Trey Rogers
David Rosengarten
Bree Rosewood
Jeremy Rutter
Mindy Schorr*
Alleah Schweitzer
Dr. Angela Santavicca
Jeffrey Shapiro
Adam Sharp
Noah Skogerboe
Emily Sarnacki
Sarah Slater
Colin Smith
Connor Smith
Doug Sonsalla
Zach Soucy
Deborah Springhorn
Greg Spitz*
Charlie Sullivan
Amanda St. Iveny
Drew St. Peter
Annette St. Peter
Breck Taber
Holly Taylor
Max Terzano
William Thomas
Jared Toon
Devan Tracy
Jake Twarog
Gretchen Walsh
Kasia Warburton
Jim Wasser
Hannah Watkins
John Wheaton*
Anne Wilson
Samantha Wray
Wendell Wu
Christel Wolfaardt
Jeff Wutzke
Percy Young*
Rai-Ching Yu
No amount is too small. Every dollar and show of support counts. Thank you all for supporting a more connected and sustainable community!